

马太福音-Matthew 9章11~12节

9:11 法利赛人看见,就对耶稣的门徒说,你们的老师为什么和税吏并罪人一同吃饭?
  And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples, Why does your Teacher eat with the tax collectors and sinners?
9:12 耶稣听见,就说,强健的人用不着医生,有病的人才用得着。
  Now when He heard this, He said, Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are ill.


The judgment of the judge is according to righteousness, whereas the healing of the physician is according to mercy and grace.  He came to minister as a physician, to heal, recover, enliven, and save them, so that they might be reconstituted to be His new and heavenly citizens, with whom He could establish His heavenly kingdom on this corrupted earth.

He is not only our King, our Savior, and our life; He is also our Physician. If we have this vision, we shall have faith in Him and trust Him whenever we are sick physically, spiritually, or mentally. We need to trust Him as our Physician.



