
约翰福音-John  2 章1~5节

2:1 第三日,在加利利的迦拿有娶亲的筵席,耶稣的母亲在那里。
And the third day a wedding took place in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.
2:2 耶稣和祂的门徒也被请去赴婚筵。
And Jesus also was invited, as well as His disciples, to the wedding.
2:3 酒用尽了,耶稣的母亲对祂说,他们没有酒了。
And when the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to Him, They have no wine.
2:4 耶稣对她说,妇人,我与你何干?我的时候还没有到。
And Jesus said to her, Woman, what do I have in this that concerns you? My hour has not yet come.
2:5 祂母亲对仆人说,祂告诉你们什么,你们就作什么。
His mother said to the servants, Whatever He says to you, do.



 你难道不相信,主耶稣去迦拿以前,就知道酒会用尽吗?当然祂老早就已知道,因为那就是祂去迦拿的原因。酒用尽不是偶然的。主耶稣预知酒会用尽,祂去迦拿立定生命的原则,变死亡为生命。藉着来到婚筵中,祂应付并医治那个光景。主藉着将死亡转变为生命,医治人死亡的光景,就像以利沙将咸水变为甜水一样。(王下二19~22。) 当主来到世间,祂是来到一种虽有人生的享受,却不持久的光景。祂来到一种人生的死亡结束了人类一切享受的光景。变水为酒这个表号,必须以象征的意义来领会。比方说,我们若过了六十岁,我们就是接近酒快用尽的时刻了。当我们的酒将要用尽,我们的婚筵也就快结束了。但是赞美主,在这样一个时刻,主来到我们的处境中。在我们的婚筵里,我们有主!我们不需要害怕,因为祂能变水为酒。



The wine, which was the center of the enjoyment of the wedding feast, ran out (2:3). This signifies that the enjoyment of human life will be terminated when human life runs out. When the wine runs out, the pleasure of the marriage feast is gone. This signifies not only that the enjoyment of life is over, but that human life is finished. Regardless of how much pleasure you are enjoying, when your human life is ended, all your human enjoyment is also gone. Regardless of how good your wife, your husband, your parents, your children, or your job may be, if your life has come to an end, your pleasure is gone. When the wine has been exhausted, the feast is over, for the feast is dependent upon the wine. All your enjoyment depends upon your life. If your life has been terminated, your enjoyment is brought to an end. Regardless of the kind of wedding you are in, when your human life runs out, your wedding is terminated and the enjoyment is over. That is what happened that day in Cana of Galilee.

Do you not believe that before the Lord Jesus went to Cana He realized that the wine would run out? Surely He knew it ahead of time, for that was the reason that He went to Cana. The wine did not run out by accident. The Lord Jesus foreknew that the wine would be exhausted, and He went to Cana to establish the principle of life, changing death into life. By coming to the marriage feast, He came to deal with and to heal the situation. The Lord healed death in the human situation by turning it into life like the way Elisha healed the salt water by making it fresh (2 Kings 2:19-22).

When the Lord came into the world, He came into a situation where human enjoyment existed, but was not lasting. He came into a situation where the death of human life terminates all human enjoyment. The changing of water into wine is a sign which must be understood figuratively. For example, if we are over sixty years of age, we are approaching a time when the wine is almost gone. When our wine is about to run out, we know that our marriage feast will soon be over. But, praise the Lord, it is at such a time that the Lord comes into our situation. In our marriage feast we have the Lord! We need not be afraid, for He can change the water into wine.