
约翰福音-John 2 章12~16节

2:12 这事以后,耶稣与祂的母亲、兄弟和门徒,都下迦百农去,在那里住了不多几日。
After this He went down to Capernaum, He and His mother and His brothers and His disciples; and they remained there not many days.
2:13 犹太人的逾越节近了,耶稣就上耶路撒冷去。
And the Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
2:14 祂看见殿里有卖牛羊鸽子的,并有兑换银钱的人坐在那里,
And He found in the temple those selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the moneychangers sitting there.
2:15 就拿绳子作成鞭子,把众人连羊带牛都赶出殿去,倒出兑换银钱之人的钱币,推翻他们的桌子。
And having made a whip out of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, as well as the sheep and the oxen, and He poured out the money of the moneychangers and overturned their tables.
2:16 又对卖鸽子的说,把这些东西从这里拿走,不要将我父的家,当作买卖的场所。
And to those who were selling the doves He said, Take these things away from here; do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise.







 The Lord dealt with the house of God by cleansing it with a scourge or a whip made of cords. The King James Version says that the Lord made “a scourge of small cords,” but some versions say that the Lord made a scourge or whip out of rushes, which are inexpensive and ordinary. The Lord made a scourge or whip of ordinary things, of rushes, and used it to cleanse the temple. He drove out the oxen, sheep, doves, and coins. That signified the casting out of all earthly occupations. We are the temple of God, yet we are not filled with God. We are filled with so many things other than God. Although we, as the house of God, should be filled with God, yet the fact is that we are filled with merchandise, money, and tables of the money-changers. Therefore, the Lord must make a whip of cords to drive these things out of us.

Often, the Lord uses the ordinary and common things, such as the rushes, to cleanse us. Sometimes He uses someone common to purge you—such as your wife or husband, your parents or children, your employer or employees. We all have experienced the whip of cords which the Lord has made of common persons or ordinary things to purge us. Sometimes the Lord comes to interfere with our lives by turning things upside down. He comes to cast out the sheep, oxen, and doves, and to overthrow the tables in order to bring confusion into the whole situation. For example, last year you gained a lot of money in business, but this year you lose everything—this is a scourge that the Lord uses to purge you. With every seeking Christian there is always someone or something purging him.

Generally speaking, a wife who is a seeking child of God always longs for her husband to be spiritual and to love the Lord, but it sometimes turns out to be just the opposite. A husband who loves the Lord always looks to the Lord that his wife might be spiritual and love the Lord, but it is sometimes contrary to his desire. Also parents who sincerely seek after the Lord and pray daily for their children sometimes suffer to see their children going astray. The scourge you experience is made by the Lord. If your husband or wife is quite spiritual, the Lord would have no scourge to purge you. If your sons are like Peter and John and your daughter is like Mary, there would be no rushes available for the Lord to make a scourge. If your parents are like Abraham and Sarah, nothing would purge you. On the one hand, you may daily enjoy the Lord as a feast, but, on the other hand, the Lord will send a scourge a number of times to purge you.