

约翰福音-John 5 章 28~34节

5:28 你们不要把这事看作希奇,因为时候将到,凡在坟墓里的,都要听见祂的声音,就出来;
Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming in which all in the tombs will hear His voice
5:29 行善的归到生命的复活,作恶的归到审判的复活。
And will come forth: those who have done good, to the resurrection of life; and those who have practiced evil, to the resurrection of judgment.
5:30 我从自己不能作什么;我怎么听见,就怎么审判;我的审判也是公平的,因为我不寻求自己的意思,只寻求那差我来者的意思。
I can do nothing from Myself; as I hear, I judge, and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will but the will of Him who sent Me.
5:31 我若为自己作见证,我的见证就不真。
If I testify concerning Myself, My testimony is not true.
5:32 另有一位为我作见证,我也知道他为我作的见证是真的。
There is another who testifies concerning Me, and I know that the testimony which he testifies concerning Me is true.
5:33 你们曾差人到约翰那里,他为真理作过见证。
You have sent people to John, and he has testified to the truth.
5:34 其实我不接受从人来的见证;然而我说这些话,为要叫你们得救。
But it is not from man that I receive My testimony, but I say these things that you may be saved.





verses 28 and 29. “Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs shall hear His voice, and shall come forth: those who have done the good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done the evil to the resurrection of judgment.” All of the physically dead people who have been buried in graves will be resurrected. Please note the difference between these two verses and verse 25. In verse 25, the dead shall hear His voice, but in verse 28 all who are in the tombs shall hear His voice. Those who are in the tombs are different from those who are dead. Verse 25 refers to the dead living on the earth; verse 28 refers to the dead buried in the earth. Those buried in their graves shall be resurrected at the Lord’s second coming.

In addition to the resurrection in the spirit which we saw in verse 25, verse 29 distinguishes two kinds of physical resurrections. The resurrection in our spirit means that our spirit is made alive. This is also regeneration in our spirit. The regeneration in our spirit is a resurrection made by the Lord Jesus with the divine life, which is Himself. In addition to this, there are two kinds of physical resurrections. The “resurrection of life” is the resurrection of the saved believers before the millennium (the thousand years, Rev. 20:4, 6; 1 Cor. 15:23, 52; 1 Thes. 4:16). The dead believers will be resurrected to enjoy eternal life at the return of the Lord Jesus. Hence, it is called the resurrection of life. When the Lord Jesus comes back, all His dead believers will be resurrected and will be taken up with the living believers to the air (1 Thes. 4:17). Then the overcoming believers will reign as kings with the Lord Jesus for a thousand years. The “resurrection of judgment” refers to the resurrection of the unbelievers after the thousand years (Rev. 20:5, 12). All the dead unbelievers will be resurrected after the thousand years to be judged at the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11-15). Hence, it is called the resurrection of judgment. We, the believers, will enjoy and participate in the resurrection of life, but the unbelievers will suffer the judgment of eternal perdition at the resurrection of judgment.