

约翰福音-John 7 章 25~30节

7:25 耶路撒冷人中有的说,这不就是他们想要杀的人么?
Then some of the people of Jerusalem said, Is not this the One whom they are seeking to kill?
7:26 你看祂还公开讲论,他们也不向祂说什么。难道官长真知道这是基督么?
And look, He is speaking openly, and they say nothing to Him. Have the rulers, perhaps, really recognized that this is the Christ?
7:27 然而这个人,我们晓得祂是那里的;只是基督来的时候,没有人知道祂是那里的。
But we know where this man is from; yet when the Christ comes, no one knows where He is from.
7:28 那时耶稣在殿里施教,大声说,你们认识我,也晓得我是那里的;我并不是从自己来的,但那差我来的是真的,你们不认识祂;
Jesus therefore cried out in the temple, teaching and saying, You both know Me and know where I am from; and I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know.
7:29 我却认识祂,因为我是从祂来的,是祂差了我来。
I know Him, because I am from Him, and He sent Me.
7:30 他们就想要捉拿耶稣,只是没有人下手,因为祂的时候还没有到。
They sought then to seize Him, yet no one laid a hand on Him, because His hour had not yet come.



逼迫主的犹太人想要杀主耶稣。(约七1,20,25,30,32,34。)既然犹太宗教徒在谋害主耶稣,祂就必须相当谨慎;祂若稍不谨慎,就会落入他们手中。祂不能自由行动。主虽然是全能的神,却作了受逼迫的人,在行动上也受到限制。 创造者忍受受造者的逼迫,不是容易的事,祂必须有何等的忍耐!那必定是何等的降卑!但是主作到了。


While the religionists were having a feast, they plotted to kill Jesus. This is an accurate picture of today’s religion, for religion, in principle, is the same today. On the one hand, the religionists worship God, while on the other hand, they plot to kill God’s real seekers. This has happened from the first century down to the present time. In every century the real seekers after life have been persecuted by the religionists. Madame Guyon, for example, was imprisoned by the religionists of her day. 

The persecuting Jews were seeking to kill the Lord Jesus (7:1, 21, 25, 30, 32, 34). Since the Jewish religionists were plotting against the Lord Jesus, He had to be somewhat careful. If He had been even a little careless, He would have fallen into their hands. He was not able to act freely. Although the Lord is the Almighty God, He, as a man under persecution, was limited in His activity. It was not an easy thing for the Creator to suffer the persecution from His creatures. What patience He must have had! What humiliation it must have been! But the Lord did it.