

约翰福音-John 16 章 9 节

16:9 为罪,是因他们不信入我;
Concerning sin, because they do not believe into Me;


In verse 9, "Concerning sin; because they do not believe in Me.” Here we see that the unique sin for perishing is not to believe in the Son (3:16). The sin here is the unwillingness to be translated from Adam into Christ. If people wish to remain in Adam, it means that they want to remain in the old realm and not move into the new realm, which is Christ. There is no need for you to commit sin in order to perish. If you simply do not believe in the Lord Jesus, you are already qualified for perishing. You do not need to rob a bank, deceive your husband, or lie to your parents. You may be a gentleman, but as long as you do not believe in the Lord Jesus, you are destined to perish. The unique way to escape from your sinful situation is to believe in the Lord, and the unique sin that qualifies you for perishing is not to believe in Him. Therefore, the key today is whether we believe or not.


