马太福音-Matthew 12章2节
12:2 | 法利赛人看见,就对祂说,看哪,你的门徒在作安息日不可作的事。 |
But the Pharisees, seeing this, said to Him, Behold, Your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath. |
The Pharisees condemned what the Lord’s disciples were doing, saying it was not lawful on the Sabbath. The Sabbath was for the Jews to remember the completion of God’s creation (Gen. 2:2), to keep the sign of God’s covenant with them (Ezek. 20:12), and to remember God’s redemption for them (Deut. 5:15). Hence, to profane the Sabbath was a serious matter in the eyes of the religious Pharisees. To them it was not lawful, not scriptural. But they did not have adequate knowledge of the Scripture. According to their meager knowledge, they cared for the ritual of keeping the Sabbath, not for the hunger of the people.