

约翰福音-John 17章 25 节

17:25 公义的父啊,世人未曾认识你,我却认识你,这些人也知道你差了我来。
Righteous Father, though the world has not known You, yet I have known You, and these have known that You have sent Me.


 The world neither knows the Father nor wants to know Him, but the Son and the Son’s believers do. The Father is righteous in loving the Son and His believers, giving His glory both to the Son and to His believers. In sanctifying the Son’s believers, the Father is holy (v. 11), and in loving the Son and His believers and giving the Son and His believers His glory, the Father is righteous. The Father will reveal nothing regarding life to the worldly people because they do not know the Father. However, the Father has revealed everything concerning life to the Lord Jesus and to His believers because the Lord and His believers know the Father. Hence, the Father is righteous in His discernment, for by His righteous judgment He reveals to us the matters of life. God is righteous in this matter.

