


马太福音-Matthew 7章23节

7:23 那时,我要向他们宣告:我从来不认识你们,你们这些行不法的人,离开我去吧。
  And then I will declare to them: I never knew you. Depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.


 We must have the assurance in whatever we do, that we are doing the will of the heavenly Father. Otherwise, the Lord Jesus will say to us, “Workers of lawlessness.” Even prophesying in the Lord’s name, but not according to the will of the Father, is a type of lawlessness. Moreover, casting out demons in the Lord’s name and doing works of power in the name of the Lord, but not according to the will of God, are also considered in the eyes of the heavenly King as lawlessness.


我们无论作甚么,都必须确信我们在实行天父的旨意。否则,主耶稣会对我们说,“不法的工人。”甚至在主的名里,却不照着父的旨意豫言,也是一种不法。不仅如此,在主的名里,却不照着神的旨意赶鬼、 行异能,在属天的王眼中也视为不法。