马太福音-Matthew 9章21~22节
9:21 | 因为她心里说,我只要摸着祂的衣服,就必得拯救。 |
For she said within herself, If only I touch His garment, I will be healed. | |
9:22 | 耶稣转过来,看见她,就说,女儿,放心,你的信救了你。从那时候,那女人就得了拯救。 |
And Jesus, turning and seeing her, said, Take courage, daughter; your faith has healed you. And the woman was healed from that hour. |
The Lord’s garment signifies Christ’s righteous deeds, and the fringe signifies the heavenly ruling. According to Numbers 15:38-40, Israelite males had to wear a blue fringe on their garments, a ribbon in the color of blue. This meant that their lives, their walk, were restricted by a heavenly limitation. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He probably dressed in this way. Garments signify virtue in human behavior. In the human virtue of the Lord Jesus there was healing power. Therefore, when the sick woman touched the fringe of His garment, the power of His virtue went to her, and she was healed. Out of Christ’s heavenly-ruled deeds comes the virtue that becomes the healing power (Matt. 14:36).