马太福音-Matthew 12章43~45节
12:43 | 污灵从人里面出来,在无水之地荡来荡去,寻找安歇之处,却寻不着。 |
When the unclean spirit goes out from the man, it roams through waterless places, seeking rest, and does not find it. | |
12:44 | 便说,我要回到我所出来我的屋里去。到了,就见里面空着,打扫干净,装饰好了。 |
Then it says, I will return to my house from which I came out. And it comes and finds it unoccupied, swept, and decorated. | |
12:45 | 于是去另带了七个比自己更恶的灵来,一同进去,住在那里。那人末后的景况,就比先前更坏了。这邪恶的世代,也要如此。 |
Then it goes and takes along with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter in and settle down there. And the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. Thus shall it be also with this evil generation. |
The unclean spirit, a demon (v. 22), seeks for rest but cannot find it in waterless places, because the lodging place of demons, after God’s judgment by water in Genesis 1:2, is the sea. Since the demon cannot find rest in dry places, it returns into the man’s body it originally possessed and makes its home there (vv. 44-45).
The Lord Jesus likened that evil generation to a demon-possessed person out from whom a demon has gone. Because that person would not repent and accept Christ, he remained empty. Although the demon was cast out, Christ could not come in. Therefore that person was like a vacant house.