

约翰福音-John 4 章 36~41节

4:36 收割的人得工价,收积五谷归入永远的生命,叫撒种的和收割的一同欢乐。
He who reaps receives wages and gathers fruit unto eternal life, in order that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.
4:37 那人撒种,这人收割,这话可见是真的。
For in this the saying is true, One sows and another reaps.
4:38 我差你们去收你们所没有劳苦的,别人劳苦,你们享受他们所劳苦的。
I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.
4:39 那城里有好些撒玛利亚人信入了耶稣,因为那妇人作见证说,祂将我素来所行的一切事,都给我说出来了。
And many of the Samaritans from that city believed into Him because of the word of the woman who testified, He told me all that I have done.
4:40 于是撒玛利亚人来到耶稣跟前,求祂同他们住下,祂便在那里住了两天。
So when the Samaritans came to Him, they asked Him to remain with them, and He remained there two days.
4:41 因耶稣的话,信的人就更多了。
And many more believed because of His word.


在三十六节主说,『收割的人得工价,收积五谷归入永远的生命。』 『归入永远的生命』这辞,原文同十四节的『入永远的生命。』主在这章两次用这话。第一次是说,我们若接受祂,祂就要在我们里面成为泉源,直涌入永远的生命。(约四14。)基督要在我们里面成为泉源,直涌入永远的生命。祂第二次用这话,是祂催促门徒出去收割庄稼,好收积五榖归入永远的生命。换句话说,你得救并因基督而得着满足之后,你必须将人带到基督跟前,归入永远的生命。首先,你必须为自己接受基督,归入永远的生命;然后你必须带别人接受基督,归入永远的生命。有一位基督给你接受,作你里面的泉源,直涌入永远的生命;还有庄稼给你收割,收积五榖归入永远的生命。撒玛利亚妇人正好作了这两件事。 一面她接受基督作内里的泉源,永远的生命;另一面她到庄稼的田里,收积同城的人作五谷,归入永远的生命。




In verse 36 the Lord said, “He who reaps receives wages and gathers fruit unto eternal life.” The phrase “unto eternal life” is the same in Greek as “into eternal life” used in verse 14. It is used twice by the Lord in this chapter. The first time He said that if we receive Him, He will be a fountain, or a spring within us, bubbling up into eternal life (4:14). Christ will be a well or spring in us, bubbling up into eternal life. The second time He used this phrase was when He urged the disciples to go out and reap the harvest in order to gather fruit unto eternal life. In other words, after you have been saved and satisfied with Christ, you must bring people to Christ unto eternal life. Firstly, you must receive Christ unto eternal life for yourself; then you must bring others to receive Christ unto eternal life. There is a Christ for you to receive as the spring within you bubbling up into eternal life, and there is a harvest for you to reap as fruit unto eternal life. The Samaritan woman did exactly these two things. On one hand, she received Christ as the inner spring unto eternal life, and on the other hand, she went to the harvest field to gather her people as fruit unto eternal life.

The Samaritan woman did not go with the doctrine about Christ to her people; she first gained Christ and then went to them with Christ. Verse 39 says, “Many of the Samaritans from that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified.” Through the living testimony of the Samaritan woman, many more sinners were brought to the Lord. When they contacted the Lord, they all believed and received Him as their Savior. It was a marvelous harvest through her living testimony.