

约翰福音-John 7 章 31~37节

7:31 但群众中有许多人信入了祂,并且说,基督来的时候,祂所行的神迹,难道会比这人所行的更多么?
But many out of the crowd believed into Him and said, Will the Christ, when He comes, do more signs than this man has done?
7:32 法利赛人听见群众唧咕议论这些关于耶稣的事,祭司长和法利赛人就打发差役去捉拿祂。
The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these things about Him, and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent attendants to arrest Him.
7:33 于是耶稣说,我还有不多的时候和你们同在,以后就回到差我来的那里去。
Jesus therefore said, I am still with you a little while, and then I am going to Him who sent Me.
7:34 你们要找我,却找不着,我所在的地方,你们不能到。
You will seek Me and will not find Me; and where I am, you cannot come.
7:35 犹太人就彼此说,这人要往那里去,叫我们找不着?难道祂要往散居在希利尼人中的犹太人那里,去教训希利尼人么?
The Jews then said to one another, Where is this man about to go that we will not find Him? Is He about to go to the Jews in dispersion among the Greeks and teach the Greeks?
7:36 祂说,你们要找我,却找不着,我所在的地方,你们不能到。这话是什么意思?
What is the word which He said, You will seek Me and will not find Me; and where I am, you cannot come?
7:37 节期的末日,就是最大之日,耶稣站着高声说,人若渴了,可以到我这里来喝。
Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.





The last day signifies the ending of all the enjoyment of any success in human life. Regardless of the kind of success you have, there will be a last day.  The phrase “the last day” occurs in both chapters six and seven (6:39-40; 7:37). However, these are two different kinds of last days. The last day in chapter six is the ultimate last day in the remote future when the Lord will raise us up. The last day in chapter seven refers to the many last days during our human life. The greatest last day is in the future, but before that day, during our human life, there are many last days. There will be a last day for an article of clothing that you value; there will be a last day for your marriage. Everything has its last day. The feast of Tabernacles continued for seven days, but the seventh day was the last day of the feast. The last simply means an end. Regardless of how wealthy you are, there is an end. Regardless of how healthy you are, there is an end. There is a last day for your riches, a last day to your health, a last day with your family, a last day with your dear wife or husband, a last day with your parents, a last day with your children, a last day with all of your circumstances—in short, a last day!

While the people were being dismissed on the last day of the feast, the Lord stood up and cried, “If anyone thirst, let him come to Me and drink” (7:37). The people were not satisfied. The things that they were enjoying during the past seven days had failed to quench their thirst. If they would come and drink of Christ, they would have rivers of living water flowing out from within their innermost being. The living water is the Holy Spirit who will flow out of the smitten rock. When He was crucified and resurrected, the living water flowed out of Him and into us in order to quench our thirst. At the last day of your feast—at the end of your rejoicing and enjoyment when you still feel thirsty—you must come to this Jesus and receive the living water to quench your thirst.