

约翰福音-John 13 章 23~27节

13:23 有一个门徒,是耶稣所爱的,侧身挨近耶稣的怀里。
One of His disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining on Jesus' bosom. 
13:24 西门彼得向他点头,要他问主是指着谁说的。
Simon Peter therefore nodded to him to inquire who it might be about whom He was speaking. 
13:25 那门徒便就势靠着耶稣的胸膛,问祂说,主啊,是谁?
Then he, while reclining thus on Jesus' breast, said to Him, Lord, who is it? 
13:26 耶稣回答说,我蘸一点饼给谁,就是谁。耶稣就蘸了一点饼,递给西门的儿子加略人犹大。
Jesus answered, It is he for whom I will dip the morsel and to whom I will give it. And dipping the morsel, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. 
13:27 他拿了那点饼以后,撒但就进入他里面。耶稣便对他说,你所要作的快作吧。
And at that moment, after the morsel, Satan entered into him. Jesus therefore said to him, What you do, do quickly.


 After the Lord’s washing, Satan even entered into him (v. 27). After that, Judas left, and it was night (v. 30). He surely had entered into the dark night for his eternity. From the very beginning, he was not in the fellowship with the Lord and he could never have been in it regardless of how much he was washed (vv. 10-11). This warns us that the real foot-washing is only for the people who are genuinely in the fellowship with the Lord.

The Lord came to bring God into us and He went to bring us into God. Now there is the real mingling of the divine Spirit with our human spirit. Humanity is mingled with divinity, and divinity is mingled with humanity. This is the church, the Body of Christ. In their spirit the Christians are heavenly, eternal, and spiritual, but in their physical body they are still on this earth and in the old creation. Hence, there is the need for them to be kept clean from all the earthly touch in order that the fellowship of the Body and the fellowship with the Lord might be maintained. This fellowship is maintained by foot-washing. Foot-washing is very, very important because the fellowship with the Lord and with one another can never be maintained without it. Without it, the church life cannot be realized. In fact, the reality of the church life would be gone. Therefore, the daily foot-washing definitely needs to be exercised by the Lord Himself on the one hand and by all the saints on the other. Then we shall be able to maintain an excellent fellowship with which we shall have the real church life.


