约翰福音-John 21章21~22 节
21:21 |
彼得看见他,就对耶稣说,主啊,这人怎么样? Peter therefore, seeing him, said to Jesus, Lord, and what about this man? |
21:22 |
耶稣对他说,我若要留他直到我来的时候,与你何干?你跟从我吧。 Jesus said to him, If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me. |
It seems that in this portion of the Word there are some contradictory elements. When the Lord said, “Follow Me,” He was there with the disciples. How then could He say, “Until I come”? Since He was there, He need not come. If He meant that He would leave them and later come back to them, how could He say to them, “Follow Me”? How could they follow Him? When I was young, I was troubled by this and said to myself, “If the Lord is here for us to follow Him, then there is no need for Him to come. He is here already. But if He is coming, then He must be away from us. How then can He ask us to follow Him?” The answer to all these questions is the Lord’s invisible presence. According to His visible presence, He would leave the disciples and come back later. But according to His invisible presence, He would be with them all the time. On the one hand, He would be with them, and on the other hand, He would be away from them. Therefore, on the one hand, they could follow Him, and on the other hand, they would have to wait for His coming back.