

马太福音-Matthew 3章4节

3:4 约翰身穿骆驼毛的衣服,腰束皮带,吃的是蝗虫野蜜。
Now this John had his garment of camel's hair and a leather girdle around his loins, and his food was locusts and wild honey.


John was truly outside religion and culture. He not only ate wild things, but he also wore camel’s hair. Notice that the Bible does not say that he wore camel’s fur, which would have been somewhat orderly, but camel’s hair, which certainly must have been messy. Furthermore, his leather girdle was probably not very refined. John was truly “wild.” Nevertheless this real priest was the recommender of the King.

From the time of John the Baptist until today, a great many people have been brought back to God through the ministry of John. Whenever we tell others to repent, we should remember John the Baptist.


