

马太福音-Matthew 3章5~6节

3:5 那时,耶路撒冷和犹太全地,并约但河四周全境的人,都络绎的出去到约翰那里,
At that time Jerusalem and all Judea and all the surrounding region of the Jordan went out to him,
3:6 承认着他们的罪,在约但河里受他的浸。
And they were baptized by him in the Jordan River as they confessed their sins.


 Verses 5 and 6 reveal that many were baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins. To baptize people is to immerse them, to bury them in water, signifying death. John the Baptist did this to indicate that anyone who repents is good for nothing but burial. This also signifies the termination of the old person, that a new beginning may be realized in resurrection, to be brought in by Christ as the life-giver. Hence, following John’s ministry, Christ came. John’s baptism not only terminated those who repented, but also ushered them to Christ for life. Baptism in the Bible implies death and resurrection. To be baptized into the water is to be put into death and buried. To be raised up from the water means to be resurrected from death.

