【读圣经学英语】燔祭坛 Posted on 02/24/2016 经文 出埃及記第三十八章1~6节 38:1 他用皂荚木作燔祭坛,是四方的,长五肘,宽五肘,高三肘。 And he made the altar of burnt offering, of acacia wood; five cubits was its length, and five cubits, its width, square; and three cubits, its height. 38:2 在坛的四拐角上作四个角,与坛接连一块,用铜把坛包裹。 And he made its horns upon its four corners; its horns were of one piece with it, and he overlaid it with bronze. 38:3 他作坛的一切器具,就是收灰的盆、铲子、盘子、肉叉、火盆;这一切器具,都是用铜作的。 And he made all the utensils of the altar: the pots and the shovels and the basins, the forks and the firepans; all its utensils he made of bronze. 38:4 又为坛作一个铜网,安在坛四面的围腰板以下,从下达到坛的半腰。 And he made a grating of network of bronze, for the altar, under its ledge beneath, reaching halfway up. 38:5 为铜网的四角铸四个环子,可以穿杠。 And he cast four rings for the four ends of the grating of bronze, as holders for the poles. 亮光 亮光: 燔祭坛预表基督的十字架。希伯来十三章十节论到这一点说:“我们有一祭坛,其上的祭物是那些事奉帐幕的人没有权利吃的。”古时候以色列人中间的祭坛乃是预表十字架这个真实的祭坛。今天我们有一祭坛,我们不是在说一些我们没有的东西。每逢七日的第一日,我们聚集同吃这座坛上的祭物。这坛就是指主的桌子,在这桌子上我们能够看见杯和饼所代表流出的血和被杀的身体。主耶稣论到这桌子说,我们应当吃祂的身体,喝祂的血。祭坛就是十字架,而十字架乃是给我们享受的桌子。 Enlightenment: Enlightenment: The altar of the burnt offering typifies the cross of Christ. Referring to this, Hebrews 13:10 says, “We have an altar, from which they have no right to eat who serve the tabernacle.” The altar among the Israelites in ancient times was a type of the cross as the real altar. Today we have an altar. We are not speaking about something that we do not have. On the first day of every week, we come together to eat the sacrifice on this altar. This altar refers to the Lord’s table. On this table we can see the shed blood and the slain body represented by the cup and the loaf. Concerning the table, the Lord Jesus said that we should take and eat of His body and drink of His blood. The altar is the cross, and the cross is the table for our enjoyment.