

约翰福音-John 6 章 1~6节

6:1 这事以后,耶稣渡过加利利海,就是提比哩亚海。
After these things Jesus went away across the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias. 
6:2 有大批群众,因为看见祂在病人身上所行的神迹,就跟随祂。
And a great crowd followed Him, because they saw the signs which He did on those who were sick. 
6:3 耶稣上了山,和门徒一同坐在那里。
And Jesus went up to the mountain and sat there with His disciples. 
6:4 那时犹太人的逾越节近了。
Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was near. 
6:5 耶稣举目看见大批群众向祂走来,就对腓力说,我们从那里买饼给这些人吃?
Jesus then lifting up His eyes and seeing that a great crowd was coming toward Him, said to Philip, Where shall we buy bread that these may eat? 
6:6 祂说这话,是要试验腓力,祂自己原知道要怎样行。
But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He was about to do.





In this world mankind is troubled and has no peace. The scene in this chapter portrays all of humanity living in the world corrupted by Satan. They are not living on the land created by God. In the world corrupted by Satan there is no real satisfaction; there is always hunger. Neither is there any peace, for the wind and the waves are always on the sea making trouble for man.

In typology, a mountain signifies a transcendent position. Moses was brought to a mountain in order to receive God’s revelation (Exo. 24:12). The Lord Jesus went to the top of a mountain when He was transfigured (Matt. 17:1-2). The Apostle John was also brought to the transcendent position of a mountain when he saw the eternal vision concerning the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:10). So, in this picture the sea is on a low level, and the mountain is in a transcendent position. The sea signifies the world corrupted by Satan, and the mountain signifies the high, transcendent position where Christ is and where we must be with Him. The Lord did not feed the people by the sea. He led the multitude to the top of a mountain. If you wish to be fed by Christ and to be satisfied with Christ, you must go with Him to a high place. Satisfaction with Christ depends upon our being led to and fed with Christ on the mountain. The mountain is above both the Satan-corrupted world and the God-created earth. Neither the sea nor the earth is a suitable place for us to feed on Christ. If we are going to feed on Him, we must be transcendent above the Satan-corrupted world and above the God-created earth. If we are to enjoy His feeding, we must be on the mountain with Him.