

约翰福音-John 6 章 13~18节

6:13 他们便将那五个大麦饼的零碎,就是众人吃了剩下的,收拾起来,装满了十二篮子。
So they gathered them and filled twelve handbaskets with broken pieces from the five barley loaves which were left over among those who had eaten.
6:14 众人看见耶稣所行的神迹,就说,这真是那要到世上来的申言者。
The people therefore, seeing the sign which He did, said, This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.
6:15 耶稣既知道众人要来强逼祂作王,就独自又退到山上去了。
Then Jesus, knowing that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him King, withdrew again to the mountain, Himself alone.
6:16 到了晚上,祂的门徒下海边去,
And when evening fell, His disciples went down to the sea,
6:17 上了船,要过海往迦百农去。天已经黑了,耶稣还没有来到他们那里。
And they got into a boat and began crossing the sea to Capernaum. And it had already become dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them.
6:18 因为起了大风,海就翻腾起来。
And because a strong wind was blowing, the sea was churning.






This chapter not only brings out the smallness of the Lord, but also the richness of the Lord. Just five loaves are rich enough to feed five thousand people. The twelve baskets left over signify the overflow of the riches of Christ’s life supply, which fed people over one thousand times. That five loaves fed five thousand people means that it fed them one thousand times. According to the Scriptures, the number one thousand signifies a complete unit. For example, one day in the court of the Lord is better than a thousand (Psa. 84:10). One thousand is a full unit. Hence, five loaves can fill five thousand people. This reveals how rich and how unlimited the Lord is. The multitude could eat as much as they wanted, for the supply was unlimited. Even two little fishes were sufficient for all.

Twelve baskets of fragments were left over. Why were there not five, eight, or eleven baskets left over? Because the number twelve signifies eternal completeness and eternal perfectness. This means that even the fragments are eternally full and eternally complete. Even a small, fragmented Christ is full of a richness which can never be exhausted. He is so small and yet so unlimited. Have you ever compared His smallness with His unlimitedness? He is the little Nazarene, yet He has been feeding all of the generations. He has never been reduced. Before the feeding of the five thousand, there were five loaves and two fishes; after the feeding of the five thousand, there were twelve baskets left over. Therefore, after the feeding of the five thousand, more surplus remained than what was there originally. This portrays the richness of Christ, for there is always something left over after the multitude has been fed.

For twenty centuries, Christ has been feeding thousands upon thousands of people. Today, He is still rich, for there are still twelve baskets full. We need the revelation of the richness of the smallness of Christ. In form, He is the five loaves and the two fishes, yet thousands and thousands of people have been eating Him for twenty centuries. And He is still here. He can never be reduced or exhausted.