

约翰福音-John 13 章 28~32节

13:28 同席的人,没有一个知道耶稣为什么对他说这话。
But none of those reclining at table knew why He said this to him. 
13:29 有人因犹大带着钱囊,以为耶稣是对他说,你去买我们过节所需用的东西,或是叫他拿什么分给穷人。
For some supposed, since Judas held the purse, that Jesus was saying to him, Buy the things that we have need of for the feast, or that he should give something to the poor. 
13:30 犹大接受了那点饼,就立即出去,那时候是夜间了。
Therefore having taken the morsel, he went out immediately; and it was night. 
13:31 他既出去,耶稣就说,如今人子得了荣耀,神在人子身上也得了荣耀。
Then when he went out, Jesus said, Now has the Son of Man been glorified, and God has been glorified in Him. 
13:32 神若在人子身上得了荣耀,祂也要在自己身上荣耀人子,并且要快快的荣耀祂。
If God has been glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and He will glorify Him immediately.


Here the Lord also said, “God is glorified in Him” (v. 31). This means that God the Father was to be glorified in the Son’s glorification, that is, He had His divine element released in the Son. What the Lord released in His death and resurrection was the divine life-element of God the Father. God the Father was to be glorified in the Son in this way, and He would also glorify the Son in Himself and He would do it immediately (v. 32).

Glorified simply means manifested. Many times I have used the electricity in a lamp as an illustration. When is the electricity glorified in the lamp? When the electricity is manifested, it is glorified. The electricity manifested is the electricity glorified. Likewise, the God who was confined in the flesh of Jesus was manifested when He was resurrected. So, when God was manifested from within Jesus, God was glorified.



得荣耀就是得彰显的意思。我多次用电灯里的电作例证。电是何时在灯里得荣的?电显出时,就得荣了。电显出了,就是电得荣了。照样,当耶稣复活的时候,那被拘禁在耶稣肉体里的神也得了彰显。因此,当神从耶稣里面彰显出来的时候,神就得了荣耀。 (CH12)