约翰福音-John 17章 2 节
17:2 |
正如你曾赐给祂权柄,管理一切属肉体的人,叫祂将永远的生命赐给一切你所赐给祂的人。 Even as You have given Him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to all whom You have given Him. |
Verse 2 indicates the Lord’s work. The Son has the Father’s authority over all mankind so that He may give eternal life, not to all mankind but only to those whom the Father has given Him, the Father’s chosen ones. The Father has given the Son authority over all flesh, over all mankind. All mankind is under the authority of the Son because the Father has entrusted Him with this authority. The Lord has authority to rule over all humanity. Why does He have this authority? That He may give eternal life to all whom the Father has given Him. By a careful reading of this verse, we can see that the Lord has authority to rule over all mankind in order to give eternal life to that part of mankind which the Father has chosen and given to the Lord. The Lord created man, exercised His authority over man, and redeemed some of them for the purpose of giving them eternal life. In other words, the Lord must first create, then rule over, redeem, and finally give life to a chosen group of people. The Lord’s work, therefore, includes creating, governing, redeeming, and imparting life. The Lord has the same rank as the Father: He is the One who creates, governs, redeems, and gives eternal life. Do not think that you have received eternal life by accident. No, it was not an accident. Among the billions of human beings, God the Father loved you, selected you, and marked you out. There is a divine mark upon us.