

约翰福音-John 4 章 16~20节

4:16 耶稣说,你去叫你的丈夫,然后到这里来。
He said to her, Go, call your husband and come here.
4:17 妇人回答说,我没有丈夫。耶稣说,你说没有丈夫,是不错的;
The woman answered and said, I do not have a husband. Jesus said to her, You have well said, I do not have a husband,
4:18 因为你有过五个丈夫,现在有的,并不是你的丈夫,你所说的是真的。
For you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband; this you have said truly.
4:19 妇人说,先生,我看出你是申言者。
The woman said to Him, Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet.
4:20 我们的祖宗在这山上敬拜,你们倒说,敬拜的地方必须在耶路撒冷。
Our fathers worshipped in this mountain, yet you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men must worship.








Did the woman lie or tell the truth? It was a truth, yet it was a lie. She told a lie by speaking the truth. It was a truthful lie. This is the deceptive nature of fallen man. However, the Lord was gentle with her and did not rebuke her. He said, “You have well said, I don’t have a husband; for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband; this you said truly” (4:17-18). The woman said to him, “Sir, I see that you are a prophet.” The Lord’s words frightened her. This is the way to have a gospel talk. Do not talk vainly to people, but touch their conscience, not in the way of rebuking them, but in the way of unveiling them. By the Lord’s gracious and wise words that woman’s conscience was touched. The proper way to minister the gospel is to touch people’s conscience.

Because the Lord’s word about her husbands touched her conscience, she immediately changed the conversation to the matter of worship, saying, “Our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men must worship.”  The woman’s problem with the matter of worship, was a matter of yes or no; but the Lord turns her to the spirit (vv. 21-24), which belongs to the tree of life (cf. Gen. 2:9-17). When the woman changed the subject from her husband to worship, the Lord Jesus took the opportunity to reveal to her the proper way of receiving the living water.