马太福音-Matthew 1章2节
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亚伯拉罕生以撒,以撒生雅各,雅各生犹大和他的弟兄们, Abraham begot Isaac, and Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers, |
What is Isaac? Isaac is the issue of the life and walk by faith. This is Christ. Isaac was a full type of Christ inheriting all the riches of the Father. We all must experience Christ in such a way; not by our doing, striving, or endeavoring, but simply by trusting in Him. Our trust in Him will issue in Isaac. Only Isaac is the real element of the generation of Christ. Not all the children of Abraham of the flesh are the children of God; only in Isaac will God have His children (Rom. 9:7-8). Therefore, God considered Isaac as Abraham’s only son (Gen. 21:10, 12; 22:2a, 12b, 16-18), the only one to inherit the promise concerning Christ (Gen. 26:3-4).
Although we are the race of Abraham today, are we walking in the way of Ishmael, or are we living in the way of Isaac? The way of Ishmael is to fulfill God’s purpose by our own energy and work. The way of Isaac is to put ourselves into God, trusting Him to do everything to fulfill His purpose for us. What a great difference between these two ways!