马太福音-Matthew 9章5-6节
9:5 | 说,你的罪赦了,或说,你起来行走,哪一样更容易? |
For which is easier, to say, Your sins are forgiven, or to say, Rise and walk? | |
9:6 | 但要叫你们知道人子在地上有赦罪的权柄─于是对瘫子说,起来,拿你的卧榻回家去吧! |
But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins — then He said to the paralytic, Rise, take up your bed and go to your house. |
Notice that the Lord did not say, “Which is more difficult?” because to Him nothing is difficult. For Him to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” was easier than to say, “Rise and walk,” because no one knows whether or not one’s sins are forgiven. Hence, it is easy to say this. But everyone can tell if a person rises and walks.
The Lord’s salvation not only forgives our sins, but also causes us to rise and walk. It is not to rise and walk first and then be forgiven of our sins; that would be by works. Rather, it is to be forgiven of our sins first and then to rise and walk; this is by grace.
请注意,主没有说那一样更难,因为在祂没有一事是难的。在祂说你的罪赦了,比说你起来行走更容易,因为没有人知道他的罪是否得了赦免;所以这样说容易。但如果叫人起来行走,每个人都会知道。 主的救恩不仅赦免我们的罪,也使我们起来行走。不是先起来行走,然后罪得赦免,那是靠行为;乃是罪先得赦免,然后起来行走,这是靠恩典。