

马太福音-Matthew 9章37~38节

9:37 于是对门徒说,庄稼固多,工人却少;
  Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is great, but the workers few;
9:38 所以要祈求庄稼的主,催赶工人收割祂的庄稼。
  Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest.


We all need to see a vision of the Lord Jesus as the Lord of the harvest. In verse 38 the Lord told us to beseech the Lord of the harvest that He may thrust out workers into His harvest. Firstly, in His economy, God has a plan to accomplish. Then His economy requires His people to beseech, to pray, for it. In answering their prayer, He will accomplish what they have prayed concerning His plan. Many times when we sense the need for workers, we sound out the call for help. But from now on, whenever you sense the need for workers, you must firstly pray to the Lord of the harvest, saying, “Lord, here is Your harvest. You are the Lord of the harvest. We call on You to thrust out some reapers. Lord, send more reapers into Your harvest.” Praying like this will make a difference. To pray like this means that we have seen a vision that our Christ, the kingly One, the Shepherd, is the Lord of the harvest.

