马太福音-Matthew 9章35~36节
9:35 | 耶稣走遍各城各乡,在他们的会堂里施教,传扬国度的福音,并医治百姓各样的疾病,和各种的症候。 |
And Jesus went about all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every sickness. | |
9:36 | 祂看见群众,就对他们动了慈心,因为他们困苦流离,如同羊没有牧人一样。 |
And seeing the crowds, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and cast away like sheep not having a shepherd. |
This indicates that the heavenly King considered the Israelites as sheep and Himself as the Shepherd. When Christ came to the Jews the first time, they were like lepers, paralytics, demonpossessed, and all manner of pitiful persons, because they had no shepherd to care for them. Now in His kingly ministry for the establishing of His heavenly kingdom, He ministered to them not only as a Physician, but also as a Shepherd, as prophesied in Isaiah 53:6 and 40:11.