

约翰福音-John 9 章 30~35节

9:30 那人回答说,祂开了我的眼睛,你们竟不晓得祂是那里的,这真是奇怪。
The man answered and said to them, Why here is an amazing thing, that you do not know where He is from, and yet He opened my eyes!
9:31 我们晓得神不听罪人,惟有敬畏神,实行祂旨意的,神才听他。
We know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him.
9:32 自古以来,未曾听过有人把生来瞎眼者的眼睛开了。
Since time began it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of one born blind.
9:33 这人若不是从神来的,什么也不能作。
If this man were not from God, He could do nothing.
9:34 他们回答说,你全然生在罪中,还要教训我们么?于是把他赶出去了。
They answered and said to him, You were wholly born in sins, and you are teaching us? And they cast him out.
9:35 耶稣听说他们把他赶出去,后来遇见他,就说,你信入神的儿子么?
Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and He found him and said, Do you believe into the Son of God?


那瞎子信入了耶稣是神的儿子。(约九35~38。)他因着一种含糊的相信而得着视力。他相信了,但不清楚。他很单纯天真。他相信了,却不真知道耶稣是谁。他很天真的信入了。虽然他不十分清楚耶稣是谁,他却相信耶稣是个特殊的人,并且为此和法利赛人争论。至终,法利赛人将他赶出去了。后来主耶稣遇见他,就说,『你信入神的儿子吗?』(约九35。)那瞎子回答说, 『主阿,谁是神的儿子,叫我信入祂?』(约九36。)他相信了,但他不认识主耶稣。于是主对他说,『你已经看见祂,这和你说话的就是祂。』(约九37。)那瞎子就宣告说,『主阿,我信。』就拜耶稣。(约九38。)他相信这人耶稣是神的儿子。因此,那瞎子不但得着了视力,他自己也被主耶稣接纳了。




The blind man came to believe in Jesus as the Son of God (9:35-38). The blind man received his sight by a kind of obscure believing. He believed, but he was not clear. He was simply innocent. He believed without really knowing who Jesus was. He believed in an innocent way. Although he did not know adequately who Jesus was, he did believe that Jesus was someone special and he argued about this with the Pharisees. Eventually, the Pharisees cast him out. Then, the Lord Jesus found him and said, “Do you believe in the Son of God?” (9:35). The blind man replied, “And who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?” (9:36). He believed, yet he did not know the Lord Jesus. Then the Lord said to him, “You have both seen Him, and He is the One who is speaking with you” (9:37). Then the blind man declared, “Lord I believe. And he worshipped Him” (9:38). He believed that the man Jesus is the Son of God. Thus, the blind man not only received his sight, but he himself was received by the Lord Jesus.

This means that the Lord, as the shepherd, entered the sheepfold, saw a little, blind sheep, opened his eyes, and then led that sheep out of the sheepfold. In one sense, the sheep was cast out; in another sense, the Lord led him out. The Pharisees cast him out, but the Lord Jesus carried him out. The Lord did not carry him out of hell but out of the sheepfold. As we shall see more in the next message, the sheepfold was Judaism, the law-keeping religion. The blind man, like the blind and lame people on the porches in chapter five, was kept on the law-keeping porch. Then the Lord Jesus came, not only as life, but also as the shepherd, to lead him out of the fold.

The Lord is sovereign. Many of us were in the fold of religion. Perhaps you were there as one who was lame. We all were on that porch. Thank the Lord Jesus for His sovereignty. He came as life to heal our blind eyes and as the shepherd to lead us out of the fold.