【读圣经学英语】遮罪盖  – 有声版

【读圣经学英语】遮罪盖 – 有声版

37:8     这端作一个基路伯,那端作一个基路伯,两端的基路伯与遮罪盖接连一块。
One cherub at the one end and one cherub at the other end; of one piece with the expiation cover he made the cherubim at its two ends.
37:9     两个基路伯在盖上展开翅膀,遮掩遮罪盖;基路伯是脸对脸,朝着遮罪盖。
And the cherubim spread out their wings above the cover, covering the expiation cover with their wings, with their faces toward one another; the faces of the cherubim were toward the expiation cover.
37:10     他用皂荚木作一张桌子,长二肘,宽一肘,高一肘半。
And he made the table of acacia wood two cubits was its length, and a cubit its width, and one and a half cubits its height.
37:11     又包上纯金,四围镶上金牙边。
And he overlaid it with pure gold and made a rim of gold around it.
37:12     桌子的四围作一掌宽的框子,框子的四围镶着金牙边。
And he made a frame of a handbreadth around it, and he made a rim of gold for its frame around it.
37:13     又铸了四个金环,安在桌子四个脚的四角上。
And he cast for it four rings of gold and put the rings on the four corners that were on its four feet.

两 个荣耀的基路伯脸朝着施恩座,表征基督所作的已经满足了神的荣耀。挽回的血弹在施恩座上,(利十六14~15,)满足了施恩座下神律法的要求,以及施恩座 上神的荣耀,因此人的良心就能彀有平安。在施恩座下的约柜里面,乃是律法及律法的要求,它暴露我们并定罪我们。不仅如此,施恩座上面乃是神的荣耀,注视并 观看所发生的每一件事。可是神律法的要求以及神荣耀的要求,藉着基督都已经满足了。如今我们可以在弹血的施恩座上,在荣耀里与神相会。因着约柜的盖弹上了 救赎的血,罪人这一边的情形就完全顾到了。因此,在这个蔽罪盖上面,甚至在带着祂的荣耀遮掩约柜之盖的基路伯观看之下,神能彀与干犯祂公义律法的百姓相 会,也丝毫不违反祂行政上的公义。因为律法及律法的要求被遮盖了,神的荣耀满足了,神就能彀与罪人说话,这些罪人也能彀与神相和,并且从祂接受恩典。因 此,这个施恩座就等于施恩的宝座。(来四16。)

我们注视施恩座上救赎的血,我们的良心就平安了。我们知道基督为我们而死,血是祂死的表记,已经为我们弹在施恩座上,满足神公义的要求。这时候神也许会问:“孩子,你喜乐么?”我们会回答说:“父阿,是的,我真喜乐。”然后父会说:“我比你 还要喜乐。我们拥抱拥抱,享受亲密的交通罢!”这就是经历并享受基督作为见证之柜上面的蔽罪盖。

We praise the Lord that Christ is not only the One who propitiates and the propitiatory sacrifice, but even the place of propitiation, the propitiatory cover. Here God is satisfied, and we are happy. Here on the propitiatory cover God can meet with us and speak with us. Therefore, with Christ as the propitiatory cover of the ark, God and man can meet and have fellowship under a mutually satisfying situation.

The two cherubim of glory with their faces toward the propitiatory cover signify that God’s glory has been satisfied with what Christ has done. The propitiatory blood sprinkled upon the propitiatory cover (Lev. 1614-15) satisfies the requirements of God’s law under the cover and God’s glory above the cover and thus gives peace to man’s conscience.

Inside the ark, under the propitiatory cover, is the law with its demands, which exposed us and condemned us. Furthermore, above the propitiatory cover is God’s glory watching and observing everything that takes place. But through Christ both the demands of God’s law and the requirements of God’s glory have been satisfied. Now we can meet with God in glory on the propitiatory cover sprinkled with the blood. By the lid of the ark with the redeeming blood sprinkled on it the whole situation on the sinner’s side is fully taken care of. Therefore, upon this lid as the propitiatory cover, God can meet with the people who broke His righteous law without any governmental contradiction of His righteousness, even under the observing of the cherubim, which bear His glory overshadowing the lid of the ark. Because the law with its demands is covered and God’s glory is satisfied, God can speak with sinners, and these sinners can be at peace with God and receive grace from Him. Therefore, this propitiatory cover equals the throne of grace (Heb. 416).

When we look at the redeeming blood on the propitiatory cover, our conscience is at peace. We know that Christ died for us and that the blood, the emblem of His death, has been sprinkled for us on the propitiatory cover to satisfy the requirements of God’s righteousness. At such a time God may ask, “Child, are you happy” and we may respond, “Oh, yes, I am very happy, Father.” Then the Father may say, “I am much happier than you are. Let us embrace and enjoy intimate fellowship.” This is the experience and enjoyment of Christ as the propitiatory cover on the ark of the testimony.