

约翰福音-John 20章7~9 节

20:7 又看见耶稣的裹头巾,没有和细麻布放在一起,是另在一处卷着。
And the handkerchief which had been over His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded up in one place apart.
20:8 那时,先到坟墓的那另一个门徒也进去,看见就信了。
At that time therefore the other disciple also, who came first to the tomb, entered, and he saw and believed;
20:9 因为他们还不明白经书所说的,就是耶稣必须从死人中复活。
For as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that He had to rise from among the dead.


Everything left in the tomb was a testimony to the Lord’s resurrection. If these things had not been left there in a good order, it would have been difficult for Peter and John to believe (v. 8) that the Lord had not been taken away by someone but had resurrected by Himself. These things were offered to the Lord and wrapped about Him by His two disciples, Joseph and Nicodemus (19:38-42). What they wrought on the Lord in their love to Him became very useful in the Lord’s testimony. The Lord resurrected from the dead, leaving all the old creation which He had brought into the tomb as a testimony that He had walked away from death.

