

马太福音-Matthew 9章7~8节

9:7 那人就起来,回家去了。
  And he rose and went away to his house.
9:8 群众看见,就起了敬畏,荣耀那赐这样权柄给人的神。
  And when the crowds saw this, they feared and glorified God, who had given such authority to men.


If we put together all the cases recorded in 8:1—9:8, we see a clear picture of who this heavenly King is. He is the Savior of the Jews and also of the Gentiles. He will be the Savior of the repentant Jews, and He will also be the One who will restore the entire earth in the millennium. He has authority over the wind, the sea, and the demons. He also has authority to forgive people of their sins, and to cause these people to rise and walk.

