

约翰福音-John 19章11~14节

19:11 耶稣回答说,若不是从上头赐给你的,你就毫无权柄办我;所以把我交给你的那人,罪更重了。
Jesus answered him, You would have no authority against Me if it were not given to you from above; for this reason, he who has delivered Me to you has the greater sin.
19:12 从此彼拉多想要释放耶稣,无奈犹太人喊着说,你若释放这个人,就不是该撒的朋友;凡自命为王的,就是反对该撒了。
From then on, Pilate sought to release Him, but the Jews cried out, saying, If you release this man, you are not a friend of Caesar; every one who makes himself a king opposes Caesar.
19:13 彼拉多听见这些话,就带耶稣出来,到了一个地方,名叫铺华石处,希伯来话叫厄巴大,就在那里坐在审判台上。
Pilate therefore, when he heard these words, brought Jesus outside and sat down on the judgment seat in a place called the Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha.
19:14 那日是逾越节的预备日,约在早晨六时。彼拉多对犹太人说,看哪,你们的王!
Now it was the day of preparation for the Passover; it was about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews, Behold, your King!


Many years ago I read an article describing how the Jews slew the lamb during the Passover. The article said that the Jews took two wooden bars and formed a cross. They put the lamb on the cross, tying two of the lamb’s legs to the foot of the cross and fastening the outstretched legs to the crossbar. Then they slew the lamb so that all its blood was shed. Thus, the killing of the Passover lamb was a portrait of the crucifixion of Christ. Although the Jewish method of execution of criminals according to their law was to stone them to death, the Jewish nation was not in power when the Lord was crucified. Hence, the Jewish nation had lost the legal right to execute criminals according to their law. Not long before the crucifixion of Christ, the Roman government adopted crucifixion as the method of executing criminals. This was decided under God’s sovereignty that the prophecies regarding Christ’s crucifixion might be fulfilled (vv. 31-32; 12:32-33).

