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John 10:21 helps us to realize that chapter ten is a continuation of chapter nine, in these two chapters, two major aspects of the Lord’s being are revealed: the Lord’s giving sight to the blind and the Lord’s shepherding of the believers outside of religion.






One day, though we all may die, we will all be resurrected. Throughout the whole universe this will be the greatest victory, the victory that will testify that the Lord is the resurrection. However, even in our daily life we may have the foretaste of the ultimate victory of that resurrection.

【读圣经学英语】照亮每一个人 Enlightens every man

黑暗永远不能胜过光,消灭光,光却能驱散黑暗。当生命的光照在我们里面,黑暗绝不能胜过它。并且这光是真光,照亮每一个人。 当神这神圣的生命在我们里面,作生命之光照亮时,我们就在祂的光照之下。我们借着接受神的话从神而生,就有神作我们的生命,并且这生命成为我们里面的光,一直在照亮。





Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin (8:34). A slave is always under a certain bondage. Satan, the devil, has brought all humankind under the bondage of sin by imparting himself into man as the sinful nature that compels man to sin. It is impossible for anyone to free himself from such a slavery.


if you obey the living Word and say, “Amen, Lord Jesus,” you immediately have the sensation that something has fallen off your eyes and you have light. Your old humanity has fallen away and you can see into the heavens. This is the way to receive light.

There are three steps which we must follow in order to receive sight for our eyes.



