Challenges of Conducting a Board Meeting Online

Online board meetings offer better scheduling options. They cut down on the time and cost constraints of travel, and eliminate the time constraints associated with flights and hotels. They also aid in reduce groupthink and increase diversity among board members. The world of virtual meetings has its own challenges that can result in meeting that are not as effective.

Changing from in-person to virtual meetings requires a change in the manner boards communicate and operate. To facilitate communication in online meetings, many elements used in an in-person board meeting must be recreated. This includes the physical boardbook, digital presentation, and sharing documents. It can be challenging for board members to navigate the technology. The use of a simple board software package helps streamline the process, however additional instruction on the tool may be needed to ensure board member success.

Another challenge when organizing an online board meeting is maintaining engagement and productivity during the meeting. The constant flow of new topics for discussion can consume time and divert your attention from the most important agenda items. This can be minimized by creating an agenda that contains 20 percent less items, and dividing the discussion into 15 minute segments. A discussion forum for new issues could also be helpful.

Finally, it is important for remote participants to to be able to see faces of the in-room attendees. This can be achieved by avoiding backgrounds or shifting the participants away from window-based lighting that could reflect on the screen and obscure the image for other board members. Additionally, avoiding distractions like cell phones and other devices can help the participants to concentrate on the topic being discussed.