

约翰福音-John 11 章 44~48节

11:44 那死人就出来了,手脚裹着布,脸上包着手巾。耶稣对他们说,解开,让他走。
And he who had died came out, bound hand and foot with cloths, and his face was bound about with a handkerchief. Jesus said to them, Loose him and let him go. 
11:45 那些来到马利亚那里的犹太人,见了耶稣所作的事,就多有信入祂的。
Many of the Jews therefore who had come to Mary and beheld the things that He did believed into Him. 
11:46 但其中也有人到法利赛人那里去,将耶稣所作的事告诉他们。
But some of them went away to the Pharisees and told them the things that Jesus did. 
11:47 于是祭司长和法利赛人聚集议会,说,这人行好些神迹,我们怎么办?
Then the chief priests and the Pharisees assembled a council and said, What do we do? For this man is doing many signs. 
11:48 若这样由着祂,人人都要信入祂,罗马人也要来夺我们的土地和人民。
If we let Him do so, all will believe into Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.






 After Lazarus came out of the tomb, there was still the need for human cooperation. Lazarus’s hands and feet were bound with the burial clothes and his face was bound about with a handkerchief. Therefore Jesus said to them, “Loose him and let him go” (11:44). They had to remove the bandages from the resurrected Lazarus. They did it and the work of resurrection was completed.

We too must work by cooperating with the Lord to release others from the bondage of their bandages. When the Lord raises up people from their death in the church, we need to cooperate with Him in order to release them from their earthly bondage. By this kind of cooperation the church becomes the testimony of the Lord as life. The Lord could have moved the stone from the cave and He could have removed the bandages from Lazarus, but He did not do it. He would rather ask us to cooperate with Him. However, before we can cooperate with Him, we must first give up our opinions and act according to His will. In the church life, we must drop our opinions, submit to the Lord’s word and work, and cooperate with His resurrection power.

Do you think that the Lord wants to heal you? The Lord wants to enliven you. According to the old concept, healing means to reform or to improve you. But the Lord never comes to improve you or to regulate your behavior. He always comes to enliven you. The Lord’s only intention is to impart Himself to you as the enlivening life.