The Board Room App

The boardroom app is a central platform for digital communication, meetings and document storage that simplifies decision-making processes for a board while increasing the efficiency of meetings. It allows members to access all documents centrally within an online environment. It also keeps everyone informed of any updates and addendums by the press of a button.

The software for board portals was also created with security in mind. It is able to limit the amount of time employees can spend on the system as well as their editing capabilities and whether or not they are allowed to download or share files. It also provides an audit log that is complete of every action performed in the system. These tools help companies keep track of employee actions and ensure the compliance of management standards.

Technology is the future of board governance. A board management solution designed for specific purposes not only allows members to communicate as well as meetings and decisions however, it can also cut down on the amount of administrative work. It will provide a solid and reliable experience, providing the best ROI.

Boardroom Boardroom, a South African startup, is taking on the challenge. It’s been dubbed “Tinder for the working lovebirds” and has already gotten the attention of tech media. I spoke with Serisha Barat, a renowned startup founder and entrepreneur, who is also the co-founder of the app.