


马太福音-Matthew 6章9节

6:9 所以你们要这样祷告:我们在诸天之上的父,愿你的名被尊为圣,
You then pray in this way: Our Father who is in the heavens, Your name be sanctified;


Today God’s name is not sanctified; rather, it is profaned and made common. Unbelievers may ask, “What is God? Who is God?” People speak about Jesus Christ in the same way that they speak about Plato or Hitler. They make the name of the Lord Jesus common. But we know that the day will come, in the millennium, when the name of God will be sanctified. But, prior to that time, our Father’s name is wholly sanctified in the church life today. We do not call upon the Father or speak the name of the Lord in a common way. Rather, when we say “Father” or “Lord,” we sanctify these holy names. Thus, we need to pray, “O Father, let Your name be sanctified.”

