


马太福音-Matthew 8章13节

8:13 耶稣对百夫长说,去吧,照你所信的,给你成就了。他的仆人就在那时得了医治。
  And Jesus said to the centurion, Go. As you have believed, so be it done to you. And his servant was healed in that hour.


The Jewish leper was healed by the King’s direct touch. The King stretched out His hand and touched him, and the leper was healed. But the centurion’s servant was not healed by the King’s direct touch. Rather, he was healed by the King’s word. The Gentile centurion believed in this word, and his servant was healed. The Jews are always saved through the King’s direct touch, but we Gentiles are saved, not by His direct touch, but by the sending out of His saving word. We believe in this word and we are healed. None of us Gentiles has had a direct touch from the Lord. We have been saved through believing the enlivening, regenerating word of the gospel. Hence, the centurion’s servant represents all the Gentile believers. The Lord did not commend the faith of the leper, because faith was not the outstanding characteristic there. The significant thing was the King’s touch. But with the healing of the centurion’s servant, faith is very outstanding. 

