

约翰福音-John 6 章 63~67节

6:63 赐人生命的乃是灵,肉是无益的;我对你们所说的话,就是灵,就是生命。
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.
6:64 只是你们中间有不信的人。原来耶稣从起头就知道谁是不信的,谁要出卖祂。
But there are some of you who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning who were the ones who did not believe and who was the one who would betray Him.
6:65 耶稣又说,所以我对你们说过,若不是蒙父所赐,没有人能到我这里来。
And He said, For this reason I have told you that no one can come to Me unless it has been given to him from the Father.
6:66 从此祂门徒中有许多退去的,不再与祂同行。
From that time many of His disciples went back to what they left behind and no longer walked with Him.
6:67 耶稣就对那十二个门徒说,你们也想离去么?
Jesus therefore said to the twelve, Do you also want to go away?






In verse 63 the Lord says that “the words which I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life.”

The “words” in this verse is rhema in Greek, which means the instant and present spoken word. It differs from logos,which means the constant word, as in John 1:1. At this point, the words follow the Spirit. The Spirit is living and real, but rather mysterious, intangible, and difficult for people to apprehend, but the words are substantial. Firstly, the Lord indicated that for giving life He would become the Spirit. Then He said that the words He speaks are spirit and life. This shows that His spoken words are the embodiment of the life-giving Spirit. He is now the life-giving Spirit in resurrection, and the Spirit is embodied in His words. When we receive His words by exercising our spirit, we receive the Spirit who is life.

The Word is outside of us. When I receive the Word into me, it immediately becomes the Spirit. When I speak the Word out, the Spirit once again becomes the Word. When you receive the Word into you, the Word becomes the Spirit once more, and when you speak the Word out, it becomes the Spirit again. When people believe the gospel, they believe the Word. As strange as it may seem, when people receive the Word, the Word actually becomes the Spirit within them.  This is very mysterious and marvelous.