

约翰福音-John 7 章 7~12节

7:7 世人不能恨你们,却是恨我,因为我指证他们所作的是恶的。
The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me, because I testify concerning it, that its works are evil.
7:8 你们上去过节吧,我现在不上去过这节,因为我的时候还没有到。
You go up to the feast; I am not going up to this feast, because My time has not yet been fulfilled.
7:9 耶稣说了这话,仍旧住在加利利。
And having said these things to them, He remained in Galilee.
7:10 然而祂兄弟上去过节以后,祂也上去了,但不是明去,似乎是暗去的。
But when His brothers had gone up to the feast, then He Himself also went up, not openly, but as it were in secret.
7:11 正当节期的时候,犹太人寻找耶稣,说,那人在那里?
The Jews therefore sought Him at the feast and said, Where is He?
7:12 群众纷纷唧咕议论祂,有的说,祂是好人;另有的却说,不然,祂是迷惑群众的。
And there was much murmuring about Him among the crowds: some said, He is a good man; but others said, No; rather He leads the crowd astray.




你若看见这两个节期的思想,就会看出人生两个阶段的情况和基督作我们生命供应的两方面。 一面当我们在劳苦时,祂是我们生命的粮;另一面当我们安息时,祂供应我们活水。你一旦看见这思想,你就领会约翰七章全章。这虽是很长的一章,思想却很简要,这思想乃是:你在一切的成就上有了成功,享受了一切所有,并在你一切美好的环境中欢乐时,你会领悟你的干渴尚未解除。任何东西都不足以解除你的干渴,只有主能藉着供应你活水,解你干渴。



Actually, humanity exists in only one of two conditions. One is that because they lack something they must seek, work, strive, and labor; the other is that because they have everything they may rejoice and enjoy their riches. In other words, at first you find that you do not have anything; therefore, you must work and labor hard. For example, perhaps you are in the first year of college and you have to labor over your studies. This is like the feast of the Passover. After you have graduated and received your degree and have an excellent occupation, you are rich. This is like the feast of Tabernacles because the work and labor are over. Now you are at rest and are in the position to rejoice and enjoy the benefits of your labor.

Many foreign students come to the rich country of the United States for an education, but in reality, they are simply hungry. After they work hard for several years and finally achieve their Ph.D. degree, some will become very wealthy, but they will still be thirsty.

If you see the thought concerning these two feasts, you will see the two phases of man’s condition and the two aspects of Christ as our supply of life. On one hand, He is the bread of life while we are laboring; on the other hand, He supplies us with the living water while we are resting. Once you see this thought, you will understand the whole of John 7. Although it is a long chapter, it is brief in thought. The thought is that when you have succeeded in all of your achievements, when you have enjoyed all of your possessions, when you have rejoiced in all of your best circumstances, you will then realize that your thirst has not been quenched. Nothing is adequate to quench your thirst. Only the Lord can quench your thirst by affording you the living water.