

马太福音-Matthew 2章4~6节

2:4 他就召集了所有的祭司长和民间的经学家,向他们查问,基督当生在何处。
And gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.
2:5 他们对他说,在犹太的伯利恒,因为藉着申言者所记的是这样:
And they said to him, In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written through the prophet:
2:6 “犹大地的伯利恒啊!你在犹大的首领中,绝不是最小的,因为有一位掌权者要从你出来,牧养我民以色列。”
"And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, by no means are you the least among the princes of Judah; for out of you shall come forth a Ruler, One who will shepherd My people Israel.''


We must enter into the bible and find something of life in it. Matthew 1 tells us that the Old Testament contained prophecies concerning Christ and that the people of God were waiting for His coming. In Matthew 1 Jesus came. Christ has been brought into humanity; He has appeared on the earth. Chapter two continues by showing the way to find Christ. His coming was prophesied, He has come, and He is here. However, there is the problem of how to find Him.

