
约翰福音-John 18章 1~3 节

18:1 耶稣说了这些话,就同门徒出去,过了汲沦溪,在那里有一个园子,祂和门徒进去了。
When Jesus had said these things, He went forth with His disciples across the brook Kedron, where there was a garden, into which He entered as well as His disciples.
18:2 出卖耶稣的犹大也知道那地方,因为耶稣同门徒时常到那里聚集。
And Judas also, who was betraying Him, knew the place, for Jesus often gathered there with His disciples.
18:3 犹大领了一队兵,和祭司长并法利赛人的差役,拿着火把、灯笼、武器,来到那里。
Then Judas, having gotten the cohort and some attendants from the chief priests and Pharisees, came there with torches and lamps and weapons.


The first proof of the Lord’s willingness to die was that He went to the garden (18:1). This means that He went to a place where He could be captured. In His long message recorded in John 14 through 16, He made the process so clear. Then, in chapter seventeen, He prayed for the process. After He prayed, He went to the garden. According to Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the Lord went to the garden to pray. These three Gospels reveal that the Lord was the sin-bearer who was under the burden of bearing our sins. Thus, He had to go to the Father and pray. But there is no such record in the Gospel of John. John’s record shows that He went to the garden not to pray but to present Himself to the process. He went there to be captured, to be arrested, to be presented to death. This means that He voluntarily delivered Himself. The Lord did not hide but willingly offered Himself to be processed, delivering Himself to the people who were to put Him to death.

