

马太福音-Matthew 4章11节

4:11 于是魔鬼离开了耶稣,看哪,有天使进前来服事祂。
Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.


 After the Lord Jesus defeated Satan, angels came and ministered to the tempted King as a suffering man (cf. Luke 22:43).

Not only the King but also all the kingdom people must overcome the matters of their daily living, religious power, and worldly glory. If we cannot overcome these three temptations, we are outside the kingdom. If we would be the kingdom people, these three things must be under our feet. If we kill these three temptations, saying, “I don’t care for my living, for religious power, or for worldly position,” Satan will not be able to do anything to us.


